Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 58 - that I haven't kissed anyone.

58 days. Well I suppose I went 16 years, then a couple of months, then six months after Sonny left for training.
Ugh. The Georgia Nicolson series is the worst to read when you haven't anyone to kiss.
Because every other page is snogging, as the British so amusingly call it.
It's not fair.
It has inspired me to add another thing to le list.

9. Lay in my bed and just kiss for at least two hours. Maybe more. More than two hours, I mean, not more than kiss. Well, maybe some feeling up. But no non-clothedness!

Because I miss kissing. I mean, I miss non-clothedness too, but not as much really...I miss cuddling and kissing. I feel like lately we had been just been jumping right past the kissing and cuddling kinda, and jumping right into groininess and skipping the cuddly bits.
And I missss ittttt.
Uh. NUH.

BREAKING NEWS: David just text me and told me I had a good final. WOOT!

Anyways. So in the Georgia Nicolson series, she pines after this guy, le Sex God, Robbie, for a couple of months then they finally kinda get together, then don't, then get together for real, then he leaves her for forevers for a foreign land.
Sound familiar?
But while he's gone, she has Dave the Laugh to talk to, and snog occasionally, then another dishy bloke (haha, I love British talk) comes along, the Italian stallion, the Luuuurve God, Masimo. And the snog and whatnot and she really think she likes him.
I wish I had a Dave to talk to, especially when Sonny goes on his "field" thingies and I'm just kind've abandoned...(without a "hey babe, I'm leaving for the field, I love you so much I'll think about you every second blah blah blah" JUST SAYING.)
NOT TO SNOG, though. I couldn't do that.
I just feel like...abandoned.
It's like...I have no one to talk to really. I have all kinds of college friends, Lindey and I have seem to become especially close, as well as my KPhi family, but still. It's not the same.
I don't talk to Jalisa, because I don't trust her as far as I can throw her.
And I can't really talk to Tori because she's a working girl now, and doesn't keep the bizarre hours that I keep...
...Sonny was who I talked to about these things.
Except complaining.
Which is probably what I'm doing now.
And he'll probably read it.
Ah bugger.
But still...it's just...nuh...
Why do I feel so alone?

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