Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 56 continued - Pediatrics?!?

So. Epiphany.
Life-altering decision.
I may have just decided to become a pediatrician rather than a child psychologist.
I don't know yet. It's still in the consideration phase.
But honestly, I'm thinking I might just do that.
What I'm thinking now is (possibly) dropping the art major after this year, and adding the pre-med option, along with the child advocacy minor.
So I'd be a pre-med psychology major with a child advocacy minor, art therapy emphasis, maybe an art minor, and go to medical school afterwards for pediatrics.
Or just be a psycholog major with a child advocacy minor, art therapy emphasis, maybe an art minor, and go to graduate school for child psychology.
I'm excited though.
...or maybe I just want to succeed where Jalisa has failed. haha. That may be it, but I do think I would love being a pediatrician.

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