Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 58 continued - I Hate the Bible

Well not really, but writing about it and its literature has made my right hand's fingertipses go numb.
Not cool, bible. Not cool.
Well I suppose it is actually David's fault. He required us to write the essays for our final in a blue or green book.
A green book is pretty much a bunch of (WIDE RULED) notebook paper stapled between two green pieces of paper. Quelle c'est le pointe?
I don't know.
Except to make my life harder.
So I typed up my essays and had to copy them by hand.
Our essays were supposed to be five pages and I thought I had mine worked out so that it would be five exactly.
And it was seven.
Took forever and my fingertipses are numb.
Trying to regain feeling in them while simultaneously avoiding sleep so that I may finish (read: begin) my freaking Psych paper.
I'm starting to think to myself "Ya know...you could sleep until noon and get up and write your paper..."
But I probably should not.
Nuh nuh nuh.

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