Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 23, I guess

For future reference, the sinks in Banning bathrooms don't run water hot enough to make acceptable hot chocolate.
Missed classes and work AND Evensong today because I was so tired. Pretty sure I slept for the better part of 24 hours. I hate being sick. Guess my fever's gone for now though.
Yesterday was fun.
Woke up at 10:15 to a call from Billy asking me if I was going to the service. Got up and got dressed then walked over there, quick practice then the service started. It was good, it just bothers me how apathetic all of the Clara Luper and AIS scholars are. Excuse me, it was your status as a minority that got you your hour and a half service too much for you? Give back the 25,000 dollars.
After that, they all piled in for lunch. They all got mad because they lined up real quick and we made them sit down so the guests could go first. And of course it works out that half of the people who helped don't get Indian tacos, i.e. me, Billy, Jalisa, and David. So David took us out to Chileno's and me and Jalis and Billy all ended up getting the Special Mexican dinner. Yum. I should stop thinking about it, because I haven't eaten all day and it sounds really really good right about now... =(
Anyways, at the service, Victoria had said that she really wanted cupcakes because she had had to miss her little cousin's birthday party to help serve lunch. So I told Billy that it would be really cute if her bought her a cupcake somewhere. So after lunch we went on a search for cupcakes, all over Bricktown. We thought we would just have to resort to Wal-mart, but leaving Bricktown, Billy spotted a place called Pinkitzel, candy and cupcakes. It was so funny, he goes "CANDY AND CUPCAKES! YEAH! YEAH!" haha. So we went in and he got Victoria a chocolate malt cupcake because he liked that it had a little pink and white straw sticking out of the top, lol, and bought me and Jalisa and Victoria candy. He's such a good guy, lol.
He made us give it to her though, because he doesn't want her to feel like he's being too mushy.
She loved it! I'm pretty sure we scored him some major points. =)
After we gave it to her, I went back to my room and passed out...and woke up with a fever. Ugh it sucked. Pretty sure I had it until this afternoon.
...and...other stuff happened. Don't feel like talking about it.

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