Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 18

See, I told you, I'm terrible about not updating.
But I suppose I have an excuse...Homecoming madness.
My knees hurt from lipsync practice, falling to the ground and whatnot.
It's currently 12:30--
--no, wait, it's 12:59. I just got distracted for 29 minutes messing with an app that was supposed to turn my iPhone into a mouse for my Macbook.
Anyways. What's happened? Sonny finally got a new laptop and internet. So I've been staying up absurdly late just to talk to him. The first night it was until 8 AM, last night it was until 6 AM. Kinda really ridiculous.
I know it's terrible for me to stay up so late just to talk to him, but honestly, I get caught up with doing other stuff and end up staying up until two or three anyways, what's another hour?
And after I start Skyping with him, it's hard to get off. lol
But anyways. Idk, the first time I saw him over the webcam...idk, it just made me happy.
He looked different...somehow. Idk. Maybe I was just really happy to see him again. =)
Got distracted again. It is now 1:18. But it's because I was putting my new classes into iCal and color-coordinating them and whatnot, because I am a freak.
It'll help in the long run!
...even though it is distracting me from my paper for Cataldi at the moment.
Oh well.
Wanna know my schedule? Sure ya do!

  1. Art History Survey II ------------------- MW ------------- 9:30-10:15
  2. Critical Thinking ------------------------ TTh  ------------- 9:30-10:15
  3. Honors Colloquium -------------------- W -----------------12:30-1:20
  4. Foundation 3D Design ---------------- MW -------------- 2:30-5:00
  5. Elementary French II ------------------ TTh -------------- 2:30-3:45
  6. Careers in Psychology ---------------- TTh -------------- 6:30-7:15
Not too bad. Only 16 hours though. I wanted more but Hakman really didn't want me to have to file a petition.
I really like Hakman though. Even though now I kinda suspect that perhaps Jowaisas was supposed to be my advisor...oh well.
La la la.
Guess I'll try to do my paper now.
...expect me back soon enough, probably. =)

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