Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 6

Well, I'm back at OCU.
I went home for the weekend. It was good...even if I did have to sleep on the couch. I got to eat my mom's cooking, and visit her church, and lay around with my little sisters and goof around with them. It was just what I needed.
I also discovered my cure, I think.
Whenever I start feeling crappy about Sonny being gone, or thinking of all the bad things that could possibly happen, or worrying if we'll last with the distance, it helps if I think about the future.
Talking about the future with him is even better, but just thinking about it helps too.
I know everybody says (and specifically tells me) that it's not goodbye, only see you later, it won't last forever, the six months will fly by...
But honestly, it won't. It didn't last time, and it won't this time.
I can't make myself feel better by trying to tell myself it will go faster, when I logically know it won't.
What will have to get me by is that it is not forever, that he will come back eventually and we will have years and years together. =)
Is that the same thing? In my head it's not.
Last night we were talking about holidays, how Christmases and Thanksgivings were when we were kids, and it just made me happy. Probably the most content I've been since he left.
My favorite thing that he said was when we were talking about Thanksgiving and trying to decide whose family we'd spend it with, he said, "We can have our own Thanksgiving when we have kiddos =)"
I love him for remarks like that. I mean...I love that he's as serious about this as I am.
We're in this for a long haul. I mean, he was gone for six entire months and yet he came back and we still fit so well together, it was as if he never left.
We're not just playing around. =)

P.S. He said he's going to buy me an engagement ring sometime soon. Shh, don't tell. =)

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