Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 3

Well, I suppose I'm falling back into some semblance of routine.
Thursdays have become the worst day of the week, though.
Here's how it goes down:

  • Wake up at 10:30 to go to Apps in Psych, or earlier if I have something I need to finish
  • Go to lunch afterwards
  • Head back to the room to clean it up and finish anything for Bib Lit
  • Got to Bib Lit at 2:30
  • Head straight to Honors Intro to Psych at 4
  • Head straight to work at 5:30, and work until 7
And in the case of today, it was head straight to the Alpha Chi house to get my envelopes and letters for the St. Jude's fundraiser, then straight to my room to fill out said letters, address said envelopes and stuff said letters into said envelopes. 
THIRTY freaking FIVE of them!!!
Ugh. It took forever and three years.
During which I had a migraine.
I never really realized how much I need time to just sit and relax at some point in my day. I can't run around like a crazy person, or I drive myself crazy with stress.
It doesn't help that my Fall Break was terrible. 
I think I'm gonna drop something. I'm not sure what.
I'm thinking Alpha Chi or work.
...considering Alpha Chi doesn't get me 100 dollars every two weeks, I think I know what I'm choosing.

P.S. I figured out how to text message South Korea.

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