Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 1

Well, this is only my...probably fourth or fifth blog, I think.
I always start them and never keep up with them.
Maybe it'll be better this time.
What's the point of this? Well, right now it's to keep me from driving myself into clinical depression and/or insanity because the only thing that keeps me sane is currently flying halfway across the world.
But let's not get into that.

I'm Rachel.
(Rachie, Rachello, Wa-Wa, Achie, whatevs)
I'm 18 and a freshman in college, majoring in Studio Art and Psychology, with a minor in Child Advocacy Studies, plus an emphasis in Art Therapy and Pre-professional studies.

464 days.
That's how long I've been with the love of my life.
I've only known him for, only about, well, idk, 15 years.
He's the only part of my future that I'm sure about.
He's on his way to Korea.
Dumb Korea.
First Georgia stole him, now Korea has.
Arggh argggh arghhh.
He's on the flight right now.

Let's sleep forever.

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