Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 130: Rachel Johnson, Sexpert Extraordinaire.

New title. I should start signing my emails as such.
Fun fun fun day, yesterday.
Well I suppose it started the night before. Brie and I pulled a late nighter, which began as an ALL nighter, but didn't happen. I hung out with her in her room until around three and then went to my room to sleep.
I stayed up until fourish then went to sleep. Woke up at 9:20ish for Art History, couldn't find my ID and just said screw it and laid back down and went back to sleep. Slept until about three (!) then dawdled around until 5 when Native American Campus Ministry started.
Food was super yummy, there was spaghetti (yum!), lasagna (not so had bell peppers in it. yuck.), garlic bread (alright, I have a love-hate relationship with garlic bread...), salad (alright, I suspect there was peppers here too), lemon squares, cookies, and brownies (all yum!), and Dr. Pepper!
I pretty much stuffed myself on yummy food, then met up with Jen, Kalyn, Blue, Monica and then Dinah to go to OU to have our joint event with their GDP chapter. It was their adult event which meant...SEXPERTS!
Yes yes, two OU students who are trained in answering questions and explaining things of a sexual nature and flopping dildos around.
Surprisingly, or rather...unsurprisingly, lol, I already knew a lot of the answers to their questions. Such as how fast the average man ejaculates (25 mph! I think I read it somewhere), what lube to use with latex condoms (water-based or silicon-based. Never oil-based!), how long the average penis is (6 1/2 inches), how to put on a condom, the different types of birth control (pill, shot, diaphragm, IUD, condom, female condom, etc), and all kinds of fun stuff! I won a green condom and lube for the lube question!
Haha, it was great, they had a dildo named Seymour and a fake vagina named Audrey, and at the end they asked who knew what musical they were named for and I said, "Audrey, Seymour...oh, Little Shop of Horrors!" and they gave me the "treasure chest" a little clear box with a Durex notepad, condoms, and lubes in it. It was great, I came back and showed Corey and she said "It just had to be MY little!"
I can't wait to tell mom. She'll be so proud.
Anyways. Have a Critical Thinking paper due today. Hung around Walker with Jalisa, Corey and Lindsey until around two. By that time my laptop was ready to die and my head was hurting too bad to keep writing so I went back to Banning. I took two ibuprofens and tried to keep writing, but my head still hurt too much. So I laid down and closed my eyes, waiting for it to go away and to my surprise I actually began drifting off. I was surprised, since I had slept all day, but it was good that I could actually sleep.
I hadn't talked to Son pretty much at all in the last couple of days, since he's on his field mission thingy, so I decided I wanted to talk to him. So I woke up enough to set my alarm for five and then made myself comfortable enough to go to sleep.
And I woke up and talked to him! About random things, and worked on my paper a bit at the same time. Eventually though, he decided to go to sleep and I pouted when he said it and made myself laugh. lol.
Finished my paper, it's pretty good I suppose. It's over the morning after pill, and I'm not too sure about my conclusion but it's all good I suppose. Point is, it's done and pretty good.
I'm sitting at breakfast now, polished off a bowl of yogurt and strawberries and granola (yum! I missed it!) and a glass of cran-grape juice. Just waiting to go to Critical Thinking.
Wow! I guess I was feeling more talkative than I thought.
Or maybe I'm just in a writing mood. :)

Lately...I've really begun to wonder why I'm not an English major or minor...

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