Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Seriously...everywhere I turn, someone's either pregnant or has a baby or there's baby clothes or wipe warmers (did you know they make wipe warmers???).
The worse has probably been when I was in Shawnee with Rae and someone was there with a THREE-WEEK-OLD little Indian baby girl. Awwww :/ All tiny with lots of sticky-uppy black hair...
It made me think.
I really want a baby.

And surprisingly, looking at the newborn clothes at Wal-mart kinda doesn't help.

I honestly wouldn't mind having one now. I've helped raise three little sisters, one of which was born when I was 13. I know more than a lot of girls who have had girls around my age or younger. Ever notice that? That all the girls who have kids around the ages 14-16 are all the youngest kids in their family?
I have. Maybe I'll do a study over it someday.
But really.
If I got pregnant now, or even when I'm closer to being done with college, it would be everyone ELSE'S worst dream come true. My parent's, Son's parent's, my family, his family...
They would think of my baby as an accident, even though she or he wouldn't be.
If I could just not care about what they think or not care about what they would say, I would get married now.
And live with my husband now.
And have a baby.

But I can't.
It's just that simple.

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